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here’s my project 52 shot for the twentyninth week. the topic was


here, i chose another motive from norway, at the coast of the barents sea. while having my feet in the ice-cold water, i spotted this dotted rock. a closer look revealed that the dots actually have a nice structure. (if anyone has an idea what this is, please tell me.) anyway, this was the perfect motive for this topic. please click the photo to get a larger version:

technical details: 1/125s, f/5, 105mm, iso 400.


rebhuhn wrote on september 25, 2011 at 17:42:

ich finde den neuen viewer cool, weiß aber leider nicht, was das für dingse sind… detailliertere rückmeldung zum viewer etc., wenn mir noch was auffällt.

felix wrote on september 25, 2011 at 18:01:

danke für das feedback schonmal :)
und vielleicht weiss ja irgendwer sonst was das für dinger sind… wo sind die biologen, wenn man sie braucht? ;)