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posts about schwanden.

here’s my project 52 shot for the thirtyninth week. the topic was

zeichen der zeit.

and another photo from glarus, also taken in schwanden. from the beginning of this year on, the twentyfour (more or less) small cities in glarus were divided into three municipalities, among them glarus süd, of which schwanden is a part. having a population of less than 10,000, glarus süd is not exactly close to being metropolitan. nonetheless, some people might have a different opinion on this. and maybe eventually, we will all be broothers. whatever this is. please click the photo to get a larger version:

technical details: 1/40s, f/8, 35mm, iso 200.

here’s my project 52 shot for the thirtyfirst week. the topic was


i’ve had several ideas for this topic, and during the last week started planning something more concrete, until i saw something better yesterday while being in schwanden. while walking up some stairs, we stumbled over a piece of wood in the concrete floor, which said “vorsicht geheime falltür!” – “attention secret trapdoor!”. beneath it was a dark hole, probably some kind of ventilation shaft. probably the hole was covered by a piece of wood to make sure no-one stumbles, and some prankster added the text. anyway, to me, it looks like a fantastic treasure “chest” :-) please click the photo to get a larger version:

technical details: 1/13s, f/8, 35mm, iso 200.