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posts about snow. (page 1.)

last weekend, it was rather cold outside, and pretty white. i did a walk to the nose hill park, enjoying the beautiful snowscape as well as the icy wind. here are some impressions.

it’s white outside. for a couple of days now. after a few white days during october, and rather warm temperaturs during most of november, the coldness finally returned, and with it the whiteness. an unfortunate companion of snow is ice, and by now, there’s plenty of it. mostly on sidewalks, sometimes on the roads. let’s see when the next chinook is coming.

today, i went on a second walk, this time north from my place. here are some impressions.

a beautiful view downwards onto a half-frozen river:

i don’t know how to describe this in words, but it’s simply beautiful. even though i don’t think this picture captures the full beauty the “ice flowers”, here it is:

since january 4th, i’m living in calgary now. here a few impressions from inside the place where i’m living this time:

and here a few impressions from a walk i took today. also compare them to these photos i took last may, as i ended in the same park i began with in last may. note that the current temperature got up to +14 degrees celsius right now (3 p.m.), this morning it was a bit less but still positive.

some ducks swimming in parts of the river which are not covered by ice:

finally, the place where i’m staying. very easy to recognize due to euler’s identity scratched into the concrete:

yesterday, i did a snow hike in engadine. first, i walked from guarda to lavin, and after that, i continued by train to saint moritz, and afterwards i returned home. the weather was awesome in the beginning, but after some time the sun hid behind some clouds, making it impossible to make good photos of the snow. too bad. the sight was still great, though.

two weeks ago, i did a small round trip through switzerland. first, i took a train to bern:

then, i continued the old lötschberg trail to brig, and then continued to realp, where i did a small stop to wander around in the snow. finally, i continued over andermatt back to zurich.

today, the first flakes of snow came floating down in a first attempt to paint the landscape white. a failed one, though, as it’s still too warm. but it is so beautiful to see the flakes, slowly swaying downwards. in particular, in the evening, while strolling through the streets, watching the flakes in the street lights, next to the trees. such a gorgeous, adorable view.

sometimes, complaining helps: this morning, it was finally snowing here. after nearly half a year of waiting, i finally got my snow. here are some impressions. the first one is the same place as usual:

some less and more snowy impressions:

this is how the world is supposed to look today:

well, some (usual) tree pictures:

well, after the weather chaos during the last two days, here are some photos.

here we have rain and sunlight combined, then sunshine with dark clouds, and finally snow:

here we have graupel and snow:

today, we had the first flakes of snow which did me the favor of actually staying on the ground: