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here’s my project 52 shot for the fourteenth week. the topic was


this topic was harder than it sounded. i don’t have any frog available (to honor the german word “weather frog”, often used for weatherman), so i had to use something different. during the last weeks, i had some ideas, threw most of them away. eventually, i had the next two project 52 photos done, while this one was still missing. then, while attending revision this weekend, i made some nice shots, some of them i’ll upload later. one of these was a nice pic of some dandelions, without a macro though (that would have been even better), which looked rather nice in the end. so i chose that one for the fourteenth week, as the weather this weekend was really fantastic, and for me the dandelions represent good weather. please click the photo to get a larger version:

technical details: 1/200s, f/8, 50mm, iso 100, aps-c.


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