this friday, our math institute did an excursion to the üetliberg. we took up the cable car at felsenegg, had a drink or ice cream in the restaurant there, and then walked over to the uto kulm, where we had a nice dinner. from there, we took the train back down. the weather was very nice in the beginning, even though rain was predicted and there was a lot of rain in the morning and the night before. while sitting at the restaurant near felsenegg, clouds came up, giving a nice shade for the walk. inbetween, it also rained a few drops, but that was almost welcome as a refreshment. after being at the uto kulm for a bit of time, having a nice apero outside, we were able to enjoy a nice rainbow over zürich. as we went inside, it started to really rain outside. in the night, when we left, it was dry again. i’d say, perfect weather for an excursion! only for the photos, there could have been more sun :-)
yesterday, a total lunar eclipse (also known as a blood moon in german) occured. the next total one will be visible here in 2015, the previous one was in 2008. the one in 2008 was clouds only for me, as the one yesterday turned out to be as well. anyway, i spent the evening on the üetliberg, and took some nice photos, even though not of the moon.
the first photos are from the sunset. in that direction, there weren’t too many clouds. only in the other direction, where the moon was supposed to rise, there were a lot of clouds.
zoomed zürich.
at least, i got some nice zoom shots of zürich. the second photo in the second row shows the eth and university main buildings.
finally, here are two fisheye shots. the first shows a bit of the cloud cover, and the second one shows the uto kulm. i took the sunset photos from the look-out tower, and the latter ones from around the position that photo was taken. there was a lot of wind upstairs, and for the zürich photos i needed longer exposure times, which resulted in totally wiggled photos when i tried it from up there.
here’s my project 52 shot for the thirteenth week. the topic was
i found something very beautiful. a black cloud, eating up the sun. well, in fact, that’s not what i found, but what it looks like. it’s a beautiful sunset, taken from the top of the üetliberg, the local mountain of zürich. please click the photo to get a larger version:
technical details: 1/640s, f/25, 400mm, iso 200.
here’s my project 52 shot for the twelvth week. the topic was
this patchwork was made from a huge amount of living wood and leaves, seasoned with a dash of light of a sinking sun. combined from two photos taken while being on the üetliberg, and modified to remove the background and make the light more interesting. please click the photo to get a larger version:
technical details: 1/250s, f/5, 135mm, iso 200; combined with hugin and modified using gimp.
the original combined photo can be seen here:
this afternoon i did a quick trip to the üetliberg.
eventually i was able to watch a very beautiful sunset. here are some excerpts:
yesterday, as i already mentioned here, i did a boat trip on lake zürich. this time, part of the long round trip, leading me to rapperswil. there, i explored the area of the monestry and the castle a bit, and returned to zürich and took the train up the üetliberg to catch sunset. unfortunately, already during the boat trip the weather got worse, i.e. it got cloudy, and so there wasn’t much left from the sunset…
today, i did another trip onto the üetliberg, enjoying the sunny day. here are some photos.
today, i made a small excursion onto the ütliberg. again, it was very foggy, though it wasn’t really raining as last time. this time i took a lot more photos than last time, and also some panoramas. maybe i’m done with sorting out the stuff tomorrow, in which case i’ll upload some. for the moment, here’s a photo of myself: