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from today on, i’m enforcing https for (almost) all my web pages. i’ve added an automatic redirect which redirects all http:// pages to their corresponding https:// pages.

despite the tons of problems ssl/tls have – essentially, everything less than TLS 1.2 is unsafe, but only very few browsers actually support TLS 1.2 even though it has already been standarized in 2008 –, it is better than using no encryption at all.

and yes, i know that “just” having a self-signed certificate is only partially helpful. but i don’t have a better solution at the moment, as i don’t want to dump tons of money into CAs which i don’t really trust anyway. (maybe i’ll change my mind eventually. but not right now.) so for the moment, you have to accept my self-signed certificate (whose sha-1 fingerprint is 69:02:33:1D:F7:E3:9C:DA:D2:7D:9E:1D:4A:C6:40:99:A3:F8:B2:58, and whose md5 fingerprint is E5:DA:7D:4E:11:34:20:BD:7C:9E:3B:CD:E1:C9:6A:1B. you can compare them in firefox, for example, by clicking the padlock and then clicking “more information…” and then “view certificate”, and in chromium/chrome by clicking the padlock and then “certificate information”).

posted in: computer


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