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posts about switzerland. (page 10.)

on saturday, we visited bern. we visited the sapperlot! exhibition on swiss dialects, walked around town, had icecream at the gelateria di berna, saw the bärengraben, walked along the aar. the weather was great, almost too hot. here are some impressions:

less clouds. less zoom. still red. still beautiful.

the following are panoramas from a thunderstorm happening almost two weeks ago. the first two panoramas were taken around three minutes apart, and the third one half an our later. the last one was taken on the late evening.

we spend this weekend in obersaxen in graubünden, switzerland. we had perfect hiking and photo weather most of the time (sometimes even both at the same time ;-) ), and got some very nice views. here you can find some of them:

day one.

day two.

day three.

yesterday, we visisted solothurn. the weather was mixed, with nice, sunny periods, cloudy periods and rainy periods. here are some impressions:

after visiting tierpark goldau, we hiked to the boat landing in goldau (which is 3 km away from the park) and went on a boat trip to zug.

if you love chocolate, then order a “eisschokolade”. it is not exactly what i would call a “eisschokolade”, but definitely the best chocolate sundae i ever had.