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the sixth video is why so lonely by the 3rd and the mortal, from the very beautiful album tears laid in earth. it’s their only full album featuring kari rueslåtten as a singer. unfortunately, this is not a video, just a song. but a very nice one! the lyrics can be found here.

this is very slow gothic rock (metal?). i think you can listen to it.

[[for legal reasons, i do not want to include youtube videos here anymore. please click on this link to watch the video at youtube.]]

i like it because… of kari’s great singing. well, i could have taken almost any other song from that album as well, it’s just such a great album. i listened to it in zürich’s knochenhaus, which unfortunately ceased to exist (the only good record store i know for metal and similar music – and the only store i found so far which had all albums of kari rueslåtten, which, except of tears laid in earth and a controversial storm release, have absolutely nothing to do with metal) and immediately decided to buy it, even after just hearing the first track (which is just sung, without any instruments) – i don’t know if i continued farther than the second track (why so lonely) or if i just decided to buy it and continue listening at home :)


rebhuhn wrote on november 28, 2010 at 20:37:

die stimme gefällt mir!

felix wrote on november 30, 2010 at 23:45:

das freut mich! (und überrascht mich nicht soo sehr ;) )