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posts about xhtml.

… my blog really has 100% valid xhtml 1.0 transitional code.

valid xhtml 1.0 transitional

until now, there were some exceptions:

  • a wordpress bug which generated invalid xhtml code if you have more than one blogroll category (which will be fixed in the next version; i wrote a quick hack to fix the one i’m using);
  • the youtube code snippet was quite a mess, i fixed it using some hints from the w3c validator page and by some tipps by kornel, as wordpress tended to screw up my code by inserting tags and, thus, rendering it invalid; i fixed that by using installing a plugin which allows to format specific posts completely yourself;
  • certain small bugs in my posts which were completely my faults (these will probably show up from time to time, but i’m trying to eliminate them asap).

maybe i’ll once try to force wordpress to generate xhtml 1.0 strict code, but that’s probably too much work; probably i can hack something together myself in less time which fits better to my needs and which generates such code :)

posted in: computer www