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yesterday, i again used my ga to explore a bit of switzerland (and italy). i decided to use an offer by the sbb to drive up the cimetta, a mountain next to locarno at the lago maggiore. the weather report for most of switzerland wasn’t very good yesterday, except for the ticino, whence i ended up there. at ground level it was rather foggy, but when climbing up the mountain by cable car i eventually got out of the sea of fog. around the cardada station, the final destination of said cable car, wasn’t too much snow, but still enough left to take a lot of snow photos! later i took the chair lift up to the top and had lunch there, as well as took out my laptop (which i carried with me all the time… i really need to get a netbook!) and worked a bit. that was a funny moment, sitting over 1600 meters over sea level, surrounded by snow, while programming. i guess i have to do that more often :-)

later, i took the cable car back down to locarno and explored the city a bit. here are some impressions, including the madonna del sasso and the castello visconteo:

finally, i took the train to domodossola, operated by fart (ferrovie autolinee regionali ticinesi). the train ride is really beautiful. unfortunately, i had to shoot all photos through the window, which resulted in not so great ones… anyway, there are a few i really like:

i didn’t stay in domodossola, due to being tired and its getting dark outside, so i hopped onto the next train to brig, going through the simplon tunnel (about whose construction i read a novel called simplon some years ago). eventually, 14 hours after my departure, i arrived back in zürich.


Consuela wrote on february 26, 2011 at 13:55:

Wieder einmal sehr schöne Aufnahmen! Obwohl ich ja eigentlich froh bin, wenn ich keinen Schnee mehr sehen muss ;) Landschaftlich haben die Schweiz und Italien aber jede Menge zu bieten – alles was das Fotografenherz begehrt!

felix wrote on february 26, 2011 at 14:14:

dir würde vermutlich die höhe auch nicht so gefallen, grad in der seilbahn und auf dem sessellift :) aber das schöne hier am schnee ist: wenn man zuhause bleibt sieht man keinen, und wenn man sich für ein paar stunden in den zug setzt ist man trotzdem schon da!
dieses jahr wird es zumindst noch viel mehr schweiz-fotos geben, im frühling und sommer dann auch ganz viele ohne schnee. und ich freu mich schon ;-)

Consuela wrote on march 6, 2011 at 16:33:

Darauf freue ich mich dann auch! :)
Nee, also Seilbahn/Sessellift würde ich nicht fahren – ich würde mir die schönen Ecken im Tal anschauen ;)