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yesterday, a total lunar eclipse (also known as a blood moon in german) occured. the next total one will be visible here in 2015, the previous one was in 2008. the one in 2008 was clouds only for me, as the one yesterday turned out to be as well. anyway, i spent the evening on the üetliberg, and took some nice photos, even though not of the moon.


the first photos are from the sunset. in that direction, there weren’t too many clouds. only in the other direction, where the moon was supposed to rise, there were a lot of clouds.

zoomed zürich.

at least, i got some nice zoom shots of zürich. the second photo in the second row shows the eth and university main buildings.


finally, here are two fisheye shots. the first shows a bit of the cloud cover, and the second one shows the uto kulm. i took the sunset photos from the look-out tower, and the latter ones from around the position that photo was taken. there was a lot of wind upstairs, and for the zürich photos i needed longer exposure times, which resulted in totally wiggled photos when i tried it from up there.


abraxandria wrote on june 16, 2011 at 14:21:

was für geniale himmelsbilder! tolle atmosphäre!
die fisheye shots sind auch genial!

felix wrote on june 16, 2011 at 14:26:

vielen dank :) mir wär’s trotzdem lieber gewesen wenn auch der mond zu sehen gewesen wär… aber das problem hatten ja einige… :)

Consuela wrote on june 16, 2011 at 17:27:

Du Schelm, lockst die Leute mit “bloody moon” und dann sind es Sonnenuntergänge – die aber dennoch sehr schön anzusehen sind :)

Fisheye finde ich auch sehr genial!

felix wrote on june 16, 2011 at 21:47:

nun, ich hab doch schon absichtlich bloody moon geschrieben und nicht blood moon. bloody hat schliesslich mehr als eine bedeutung :)